The Joy of Working Out

At the age of 16, I started exercising regularly. This decision drastically changed my life for the better. I lost an enormous amount of weight and went down three dress sizes. Unfortunately, I had to undergo orthopedic surgery 8 years ago to remove torn cartilage from my left knee. After my surgery, I was afraid to work out due to the continual swelling in my knee. Thankfully, I made an appointment with my orthopedic doctor to talk about this issue. This medical professional prescribed a comfortable and protective knee brace for me to wear while exercising. On this blog, I hope you will discover how an orthopedic doctor can help you exercise again.

3 Things You Need To Know About Rotator Cuff Injuries


The shoulder is one the major joints in the body. When something goes wrong with your shoulder, you may find it difficult to engage in routine daily tasks. Minor aches and pains in the shoulder can be indicative of a rotator cuff tear.

The rotator cuff is comprised of a series of muscles and tendons the provide support to the shoulder joint. Learning more about rotator cuff injuries will help you assess your injury and determine the best course of action to take in seeking treatment.

1. Causes of Rotator Cuff Injuries

A rotator cuff can be injured in one of two ways. Direct physical trauma can cause a tear in the muscles or tendons that make up your rotator cuff. This acute trauma can occur if you rapidly twist your shoulder in the wrong direction or sustain a blow that causes your shoulder to become dislocated.

Acute traumatic rotator cuff injuries are less common than the injuries that are caused by degenerative wear. The shoulder joint is used many times over the course of a lifetime, and the rotator cuff can become worn as a result of use and age. As the rotator cuff degenerates, it becomes more susceptible to tears.

2. Symptoms of Rotator Cuff Injuries

Because most rotator cuff tears are the result of cumulative damage and not a single traumatic event. many patients do not even realize they have a problem with their rotator cuff.

Some of the symptoms you might be experiencing if there is a tear in your rotator cuff are radiating pain throughout the shoulder and pain across the front and outside areas of the shoulder joint. You might find that the injured arm is weaker and that you have difficulty sleeping at night because the pain of rolling onto the injured shoulder wakes you up.

Only an experienced orthopedic specialist can accurately diagnose a rotator cuff injury, so make an appointment if you have any of the associated symptoms.

3. Treatment Options for Rotator Cuff Injuries

Once you have been diagnosed with a rotator cuff injury, there are a few options available to you when it comes to treating the injury. The surgical repair of a tear is an option for patients who have sustained serious injuries and are young enough to safely undergo shoulder surgery.

For older patients or patients whose rotator cuff injuries don't act as a significant hindrance to daily life, an orthopedic specialist might prescribe medication or physical therapy as a treatment option instead.


30 March 2018