The Joy of Working Out

At the age of 16, I started exercising regularly. This decision drastically changed my life for the better. I lost an enormous amount of weight and went down three dress sizes. Unfortunately, I had to undergo orthopedic surgery 8 years ago to remove torn cartilage from my left knee. After my surgery, I was afraid to work out due to the continual swelling in my knee. Thankfully, I made an appointment with my orthopedic doctor to talk about this issue. This medical professional prescribed a comfortable and protective knee brace for me to wear while exercising. On this blog, I hope you will discover how an orthopedic doctor can help you exercise again.

5 Tips To Keep Up With Your Physical Therapy Homework


Physical therapy can treat many different conditions, from back pain to tennis elbow, and does not come with dangerous side effects. However, attending your therapy appointments once a week may not be enough to help you recover. Your physical therapist may ask you to complete homework assignments outside your sessions.

Here are a few tips to stick to your homework.

Keep Your Eye on the Prize

At first, completing physical therapy exercises at home might seem like a chore. After all, you can probably think of a dozen things you would rather do. However, it is important to understand that these exercises will help you recover faster. Whenever you feel like putting off your physical therapy, think about how it will affect your recovery.

Do Your Exercises at the Same Time Each Day

When you already have a busy schedule, you may forget to squeeze in your physical therapy exercises each day. A simple solution to this is to complete your exercises at the same time every day. For example, if you do not have to leave for work too early, you may consider doing them in the morning.

Be Truthful

If you want to get the most out of your physical therapy, you must be honest with your therapist. If you haven't been completing your exercises at home, do not hesitate to let your therapist know. They may help you determine what is keeping you from completing them.

Ask a Family Member or Friend to Join You

Performing physical therapy exercises by yourself all the time can get boring. That is why you should find a family member or friend to do them with you. When you are doing the exercises with someone else, they might seem more fun.

Write Down Details About Your Progress

You are more likely to keep up with your exercises if you track your progress. For example, if you notice that you are able to walk farther after completing two weeks worth of exercises, write that down in a journal. Whenever you feel discouraged, you can look back at your journal and realize how far you have come. 

Physical therapy exercises might not always be fun, but they are necessary. If you follow these helpful tips, you can stick with your exercises. If you ever have questions or concerns regarding your exercises, you should not hesitate to talk to your physical therapist.

For more information, contact a physical therapy center near you.


28 April 2021