The Joy of Working Out

At the age of 16, I started exercising regularly. This decision drastically changed my life for the better. I lost an enormous amount of weight and went down three dress sizes. Unfortunately, I had to undergo orthopedic surgery 8 years ago to remove torn cartilage from my left knee. After my surgery, I was afraid to work out due to the continual swelling in my knee. Thankfully, I made an appointment with my orthopedic doctor to talk about this issue. This medical professional prescribed a comfortable and protective knee brace for me to wear while exercising. On this blog, I hope you will discover how an orthopedic doctor can help you exercise again.

Understanding And Resolving Orthotics Discomfort


Orthotics are designed to significantly reduce or eliminate foot pain; they are not intended to cause greater discomfort. If you experience pain when you wear your orthotics, you should understand that something is wrong. Learn more about what could be the cause of the problem and how to resolve the issue.

Failure to Follow Orders

If you are new to orthotics and you experience discomfort each time you wear them, it could be that you are not following the orders prescribed to you correctly. Orthotics are like shoes in that there is a breaking-in period, and the only way to make it through this period is regular wear. For this reason, people are often encouraged to wear their orthotics often in the beginning until they are better formed to the feet.

Worn Beyond Lifespan 

Orthotics can be worn for a lifetime, but this does not mean that the same pair of orthotics can be worn for this long. These devices must be replaced periodically, or they can become worn and painful. Generally, it is a good idea to be refitted and order a replacement pair every few years or so. However, just how often you need to replace them depends on your lifestyle. For instance, someone who is standing all day and is very active may require replacement more often than someone who is sedentary most of the time.

Improper Shoe Selection

Orthotics are designed based on the measurements of your foot, as well as the type of shoe you plan to wear. Orthotics are not brand specific and will work well with similar shoe types, such as if you have several different pairs of tennis shoes. With different shoe styles, such as a dress shoe versus a boot, the transfer is not always seamless. Purchasing multiple orthotics for each shoe type is a solution.

Trial and Error Required

It is easy to assume that custom orthotics would equate to a perfect fit, but it is not always the case. For example, if the individual had inflammation around their foot the day of the fitting, the orthotics might not contour their foot correctly, which might lead to a rubbing or sliding discomfort. Consequently, some people must be refitted to get the fit just right. This issue is sometimes common with any significant weight change, as well.

Should you have additional concerns about the discomfort you experience, it is always helpful to reach out to an orthopedist or other professional who can assist you. Make sure you get the help you need.


3 March 2022