
Common Problems With Orthotics And How To Address Them


Orthotics can be life-changing for patients who suffer from plantar fasciitis, bunions, or just general foot pain. However, people can sometimes run into some minor issues when wearing orthotics, especially during their first few weeks with these shoe inserts. These problems aren't that hard to address, and you can learn how to fix them below. Problem: Your feet feel sore after wearing the orthotics. Orthotics are meant to correct foot pain, so if you're developing new foot pain after a day of wearing them, of course you will be concerned.

30 December 2020

What You Should Know About Having Hip Replacement Surgery


If your doctor has told you that you need hip replacement surgery, you might be feeling a mix of emotions. You might be looking forward to having the surgery done so that you can get rid of your pain and start moving around and doing things normally again. However, you might be a bit nervous about the whole experience. Properly educating yourself before having hip replacement surgery done is important. These are some of the things that you will probably want to know about having hip replacement surgery done.

5 October 2020

3 Reasons You May Need to Make an Appointment with an Orthopedic Doctor


An orthopedic doctor is a physician who has received advanced training in treating conditions of the musculoskeletal system. As a specialist, an orthopedic doctor can treat more complicated conditions than a primary care physician. While you should turn to your primary care physician for many reasons, there are situations where you need the advanced treatment that an orthopedic doctor can provide. Some reasons to make an appointment with an orthopedic doctor include:

10 July 2020

Avoiding And Preventing Shin Splints


If you are an avid athlete and use your legs a lot for running, jumping, or hiking, then you are at risk for shin splints. Shin splints are a common orthopedic injury that most people who do weight-bearing exercise experience. If you ignore this lower leg injury, then you may end up needing surgery. Here is more information about shin splints, their symptoms, and how you can prevent them from totally taking you out.

22 April 2020

Reduce Pain And Improve Mobility With Custom-Made Orthotics


Orthotics are inserts that fit into your shoe and provide support to your feet. While you can try over-the-counter inserts, these don't usually provide the right support you need to feel better. Whether your feet hurt when you are standing, or you have back pain because of poor gait mechanics, orthotics can help. Your orthopedist will talk to you about the symptoms you have and take a medical history to determine the cause of your pain and poor mobility.

30 November 2019

3 Hand Deformities Causing A Bent Ring And Little Finger


There are several types of hand deformities that can affect any finger or primarily affect the ring and little fingers. Since these problems can appear similar, it can be difficult to differentiate between different types of hand deformities. Dupuytren's Contracture Dupuytren's contracture is a condition that often occurs slowly. Although, theoretically, any finger could be affected, the most common fingers that are affected are the ring and little fingers. The problem begins with hardened lumps under the skin and eventually, a thick, fibrous band of tissue can develop that causes the finger to contract and remain in the bent position.

20 August 2019

Reasons To See An Orthopedist For Pain


Have you been experiencing a lot of joint pain? Has your doctor referred you out to an orthopedist or orthopedic surgeon for further evaluation? If so, they are specifically qualified and trained in issues of the joints and skeletal system. They will get to the root cause of the pain and do the proper testing and evaluation to make an affirmative diagnosis. Here are a few reasons why you may be referred to an orthopedist for your joint pain and discomfort.

11 October 2018

3 Things You Need To Know About Rotator Cuff Injuries


The shoulder is one the major joints in the body. When something goes wrong with your shoulder, you may find it difficult to engage in routine daily tasks. Minor aches and pains in the shoulder can be indicative of a rotator cuff tear. The rotator cuff is comprised of a series of muscles and tendons the provide support to the shoulder joint. Learning more about rotator cuff injuries will help you assess your injury and determine the best course of action to take in seeking treatment.

30 March 2018

Low Back Pain: Should You See An Orthopedist?


It is not uncommon, in today's world where people are far less active and spend more time sitting than ever before, for people to suffer from low back pain. This type of pain can have all kinds of causes from poor posture to more serious underlying skeletal conditions. And, while a good rule of thumb is to see an orthopedist any time you are suffering from unexplained low back pain, there are definitely some special situations in which you should absolutely see an orthopedist as soon as possible.

26 July 2017

How to Successfully Wear a Cast


After you have suffered an injury, your orthopedist may decide that it is best for you to wear a cast for a period of time. If this is the case, you will need to make sure that you take good care of your cast to make sure that you know how to wear a cast properly so that you can recover as soon as possible. Look for Warning Signs You will want to inform your doctor about whether you notice any warning signs of swelling underneath the cast.

31 March 2017